Matchmaking made modern

Your existing circles know you best — so put your best foot forward and look for matches by yourself or with the help of friends. Available today in NYC.

Try Cheers today
What we believe

Cheers is built on the belief that no one knows you better than your friends—and that their support makes dating safer, fun, and rewarding.

Vetted Matches

Your friends will give you the real scoop about matches, ensuring a smarter choice.

Circles of Interest

Since your friends know both of you, there’s a higher chance you'll share things in common.

Built-In Fan Club

If the relationship progresses, you’ll already have a support system around you cheering for your success.

How it works

The Cheers difference

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Get profile input from friends

In less than five minutes, build a profile and invite friends to give you input on your best angles.

View your daily prospects

Today's Picks features profiles chosen for you, based on interests, location, and mutual friends.

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Ask mutual friends for an introduction

Let friends break the ice for you by introducing you to a prospect with mutual friends.

Accept matches recommended to you by friends

Your friends can swipe on your behalf, too! Of course, you'll always be in control and your actions stay private.

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What others say

Let’s raise a glass

Cheers is already making match magic happen!
Here’s what people are buzzing about.
Sarah, 27

East Village

Cheers allowed my best friend to set me up with someone. It took the pressure off the first date because she gave us talking points and we hit it off instantly. Game changer!

Check it out today

Get matched with a little help from your friends!

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